Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Hello friends ( probably mama's but maybe not mama's too!),

I decided to start this blog as an avenue to create more self-awareness and also to share a little bit ( I am by NO means any kind of expert) about things I have learned being a mom.

Did I mention I am not and expert?

My goal is to try and write more regularly about issues mama's face and explain how I deal with them with the hopes that others can share their opinions and hopefully give me suggestions on how to be a better mom.

I hope that you will read and contribute to my blog about mama-hood. ....I think being a mom is such a blessing and I am striving to always to better...


1 comment:

  1. I love the theme of your blog, as I myself am going through a phase where I am kind of having an identity crisis! I was always really good at my job, I always had a lot of friends at work, went to the gym after work, and spent evenings and weekends with Tim, friends and family. Now I'm home with Zoe all day long, and it is so much harder than I thought! It's wonderful and rewarding, but no one is there to pat you on the back, no one tells you you are doing a great job, and sometimes, you don't talk to an adult all day long!

    Daily exercise, weekly meet-ups with girlfriends (usually over wine,) time for yoga, eating healthy, dates with Tim, and accepting a part-time position have been my releases in this changing time for me. I welcome each change, but it's a new life and I still don't have it "balanced"! Love to hear how you do it, especially with two kids!
    -cousin Courtney
